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Field Alias Items Due  Legal Land Description Plant Distance
<%well.field%> <%well.alias%> <%well.items_due%> <%well.lsd%> <%well.plant_name%> <%well.distance < 1000 ? (well.distance | number : 0) + ' m' : (well.distance / 1000 | number : 2) + ' km'%>
This filter also applies to the dashboard.
Generating recommended locations 
Field  Alias  Items Due  Legal Land Description  Plant  Type
<%well.field%> <%well.name%> <%well.items_due%> <%well.lsd%> <%well.plant_name%>
<%well.pad_name | limitTo: 5%>
You have no recommended locations at this time. Please check again later.
    Plant  Legal Land Description  Items Due 
    <%plant.name%> <%plant.lsd%> <%plant.items_due%>
      Field  Alias  Items Due  Legal Land Description  Plant  Type
      <%well.field%> <%well.name%> <%well.items_due%> <%well.lsd%> <%well.plant_name%>
      <%well.pad_name | limitTo: 5%>
      You have no recommended locations at this time. Please check again later.